Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive activities of the clinic and important projects:
Cochlear implantation program: In 2001, 22 children were implanted at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine. Since the start of the program in 1992, 129 children have been implanted, including 1 girl from abroad.
The original cochlear implant Nucleus 22 was replaced by Nucleus 24. In addition to the development of special rehabilitation methods, especially for children with additional handicaps, in 1998 the measurement of the function of the auditory nerve using the stapedial reflex and more recently using the neuronal response (NRT - neural response telemetry) was started ). The project is supported by a grant from the government committee to help physically challenged citizens.
On the basis of the IGA grant of the Ministry of Health, the clinic developed a hearing screening methodology for newborns using oto-acoustic emissions (OAE). Other Prague workplaces were also brought into the research. The prevalence of hearing impairment corresponds to world research and is at the level of 1-2/1000 examinations. The project was supported by IGA MZ.
We have introduced a methodology for the operation of a special type of hearing aid - BAHA-bone anchored hearing aid, where the principle is to connect the vibrator of the bone hearing aid directly to a titanium pin embedded in the bone. This results in direct transmission to the bone and improved sound transmission. The project was supported by IGA MZ.
We put into operation a unique device for measuring hearing threshold using responses in the area of medium-term auditory evoked potentials (SSEP - steady state evoked potentials). Compared to standard devices that measure the early response, the measurement objectively determines the auditory threshold of the subject.
Professionally - social contribution of the clinic - in the Czech Republic, foreign cooperation:
In 1997, the department and sub-departments of IPVZ were established at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of the UK.
Since 1998, our clinic has remained a sub-department of the IPVZ for children's ENT issues.
The clinic deals with research projects in the field of laryngeal prosthetics and tissue substitutes (more here).
Doc. MD In addition to being a member of the Czech Medical Society for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Z. Kabelka is a member of the Czech Medical Society for Cranial Base Surgery at the J.E. Medical Society. Purkyně, member of the presidium of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology and member of the American Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
Doc. MD L. Vyhnánková, CSc. is a member of Česká lék. Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery České Lék. society for immunology and allergology and a member of the society of francophone doctors at the J.E. Purkyně Medical Society.,
Prof. MD J. Fajstavr, Dr.Sc. is a member of the Czech Medical Society's committee for otolaryngology and head and neck surgery and is a member of the presidium of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
Ac. MD P. Březovský is a member of the Czech Medical Society for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, a member of the Pediatric Bronchology Group of the Pediatric Assembly and a member of Management in Healthcare.
Ac. MD H. Fišerová, is a member of the Czech Medical Society for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
Foreign cooperation - with the center of cochlear implants in Hannover - with prof. Dr. Ernst Lehnhardt. As part of the Schwarzenberg Initiative, Prof. Dr. Sig Arlinger, Linkoping, Sweden, Dr. Sandro Burdo, Milano, prof.r. K. B. Huttenbrink, Dresden, Prof.Dr. Roland Leszig, Freiburg, prof. Dr. H. P. Zenner, Tubingen, Prof. Dr. Jan Betka, Prague, prof. Dr. Jeno Czigner, Szeged, Doc.Dr. Z. Kabelka, Prague, prof. Dr. Boris Pegan, Zagreb, prof. Dr. Milan Profant, Bratislava, Prof.Dr. Istvan Sziklai, Debrecen, prof. Dr. Witold Szyfter, Poznan, prof. Dr. Zhargi, Ljubljana and 4 circles of cooperation were created - within the framework of cochlear implantations, hearing screening in children, ENT cancer and skull base surgery.